Clicking on a queue on the Spazio section will bring up a panel on the right with a summary of the status of the transfers.
The dashboard is divided into 3 key sections, each displaying important KPIs and visual indicators to assess the success, failure, and overall data transferred in the monitoring period.
Let's look at its main sections:
- Queue Name: This section displays the name of the queue. The Status (Files/Max) section provides the number of files transferred and the total number of files in the queue, together with its limit, and their percentage of utilization - if it has no limit the infinity symbol appears. The status percentage reflects the overall operational performance, while the star rating provides a quick visual assessment.
The horizontal bar shows the percentage of successful flows. This visual lets you quickly understand the overall success rate of the flows. The green portion represents successful flows, while the red portion indicates failed flows. The star rating system is also provided for quick visual indication of success and efficiency.
- Total Transfers: This section shows the successful, failed and total files transferred in the relevant queue and node. Input and output transfers are also shown.
The icon in the upper right corner allows you to toggle between a numeric view and a chart view. Click the bar chart icon to represent data with a bar chart and the line chart icon to represent data with a line chart.
- Total transferred bytes: This section shows the minimum size of data transferred in a single flow, the maximum size of data transferred in a single flow and the average size of data transferred per flow.
Total is the total amount of data transferred across all flows.
As the toggle in the Total Transfers section, you can switch between pie chart and bar or line chart.
- Transfers: This is the information available in the Transfers table:
- Filename: Name of the file transferred.
- Source queue and Dest queue: Name of the source and destination queue.
- Direction: Direction of the transfer. When OUT, transfers come from outside Spazio. When IN, transfers come from Spazio.
- Date: Date of the transfer.
- Size: The size of the file transferred.
- Dest file: Path and filename involved in the transfer.
- Virtual path: Virtual path where the file is saved.
- Result: Visual indicator of the flow result. A green checkmark for successful flows or a red cross for failed flows.
- Flow: The eye icon reveals more detailed information about the transfer in a separate window. This is particularly useful in the case of transfers in error because it provides total visibility into the transfer and allows the point at which the error occurred to be identified.
Updated 3 months ago