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Acronym or TermDescription
CardElement that encapsulates specific functionality, data visualizations, or key performance indicators (KPIs). Each Card can be customized and added to a board, providing a personalized and efficient way to monitor and manage various aspects of business operations.
DashboardVisual workspace where various data and metrics are aggregated into a single view. It provides users with an organized information display, facilitating monitoring, analysis, and decision-making.
FlowEnd-to-end flow.
Flow failedA flow that has completely stopped due to a critical issue that prevents it from completing its intended tasks. The failure is usually terminal, meaning the flow cannot proceed without intervention.
Flow incompleteA flow that has arrived in Panorama with no origin or destination.
Flow in errorA flow that has encountered an issue or anomaly during its execution, but the flow itself might not have completely stopped. The error might be recoverable, and the flow might continue after the issue is resolved.
Flow successfulA flow started and completed without errors.
KPI (Key Performance
Value used to monitor and measure the performance of various processes, systems, and business activities to ensure alignment with strategic goals.
PluginComponent that extends product functionality by interacting with other systems and integrating analyzed data into new cards or modifying existing ones. Spazio and Data One are configurable plugins.
SynchronizationCritical process that ensures data consistency, integrity, and timeliness across various systems and applications. It involves efficient, secure, and customizable updates that align data statuses, providing a reliable foundation for effective data management and decision-making.
TransferSingle activity happening within a flow. A flow can have n transfers.